






Normally there is no a fixed quotation, different with your products.Basic information should include:Quotation sheetDescription:Size:Material:Finish/Color:Attachment:Quantity:Price(Fob or Ex-work):Mold charge:Packing:N.W/G.W:Ctn size:Lead time for sample:Lead time for production:Payment:Photo reference:Especially for the packing detail, like the Weight and Carton size, is a must for your customer to calculate the transportation expenses.More detailed work, more potential business. Good luck!



如图所示:因为进口的物料需要报关,交期会很久,所以需要注明,交期一般用“周”(week)表示,最小订单量一般用“千个”( k pcs)表示,有特殊情况的需要备注说明,如:12天是指工作日,需要7天报关等等。其中英文报价单和中文报价单略有区别。含税价格:(VAT inclusive)(含增值税),“VAT”为“Value Added Tax”的缩写。(GST inclusive)(含商品及服务税),“GST”为“Goods and Services Tax”的缩写。扩展资料:在一份报价中,价格术语是核心部分之一。因为采用哪一种价格术语实际上就决定了买卖双方的责权、利润的划分,所以,出口商在拟就一份报价前,除要尽量满足客户的要求外,自己也要充分了解各种价格术语的真正内涵并认真选择,然后根据已选择的价格术语进行报价。选择以FOB价成交,在运费和保险费波动不稳的市场条件下于自己有利。但也有许多被动的方面,比如:由于进口商延迟派船,或因各种情况导致装船期延迟,船名变更,就会使出口商增加仓储等费用的支出,或因此而迟收货款造成利息损失。出口商对出口货物的控制方面,在FOB价条件下,由于是进口商与承运人联系派船的,货物一旦装船,出口商即使想要在运输途中或目的地转卖货物,或采取其它补救措施,也会颇费一些周折。


我去看过了,word , excel 上的报价单都有


本来是表格格式的,不知怎地沾到这里就没有格式了,这是一张进口旧机电的报价单,附带中英文,希望对你有所帮助,还请不吝赐分!费 用 清 单date: ***合同号:报关日: bill to:(单号)0value: shipper: consignee: 旧机电进口费用:the importing charges for old mechanical and electrical equipments代做旧机电服务费出证费the agency fee and license fee rmb ***报关综合the comprehensive declaration fee rmb ***/票 (含报关,报检,换单,录入including the declaration ,inspection, exchanging and entry fee)贸易代理费 the trading agency fee rmb ***港口杂费&thc the terminal handling charges rmb***二次换单费(换d/o单the exchange fee for delivery order 约 rmb ***疏港费the demurrage charge rmb***仓储费the storage fee rmb ***滞箱费the container detention charges(船公司占箱费) rmb ***滞报费the delayed declaration fee(到港之日后的14个工作日内无申报会产生滞报费the charges appeared on the condition of no declaration within 14 days after the equipments reached the destination port) rmb ***(已付paid)商检 the inspection fee rmb ***(监管条件 a)supervision condition a 海关查验 the customs inspection fee rmb ***陆运 the land freight rmb ***(塘沽港至北京昌平the port of tanggu to changping beijing)海关税金 the customs tax rmb *** (已付paid)海关后补税金the overdue customs tax rmb ***合 计 物 流the total logistics costs rmb ***(除已付的税金和滞报金the paid tax and the delayed declaration fee are excluded)旧机电部分退运清关费用:part of the returned declaration fee for old mechanical and electrical equipments退运关封审批费the approval fee for returning the costoms seal rmb ***出口报关费the exporting declaration charges rmb ***退运进口报关费 the returned importing declaration fee rmb ***退运商检费the returned inspection fee rmb ***退运代理费 the returned agency fee rmb***铅封处理费 the seal handling charges rmb ***更改税号费用the changing tax file number fee rmb ***国际物流进口代垫杂费the international logistics and prepaid importing charges rmb ***国际物流出口代垫费用the international logistics and prepaid exporting charges rmb ***国际物流堆存the international logistics stockpiling fee rmb ***退运清关总计the total clearance returned rmb ***旧机电退运到香港运费相关:商品检验费 the inspection fee rmb ***文件费 the documents fee rmb ***紧急燃油附件费the emergency fuel surcharge rmb ***港内拖车费the harbor towing fee rmb ***预录入the pre-entry fee rmb ***反恐附加费the surcharge of cs rmb ***其他杂费 other charges rmb ***港杂费the terminal handing charges rmb ***电放费the telex release charges rmb ***thc rmb ***国际海运费 the international sea freight usd *** = rmb ***total: rmb ***合计费用总计:the total costs: rmb ***公司名称:***name of company:***开户行: ***the opening bank: ***帐号:***account no.: ***祝好best wishes
报价单格式模板,英文报价单模板 http://www.exceljia.com 官方下载.绿色软件.

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