1,英语 常用购物用语

小学6年级吗One day I want shopping with my mum,the assistant is very kind ,she asked :"Can I help you ?Madam",Mum said :"Is there T-shirt for my son here?"How old is your son?Ten years oldYes,This way Please.Which color do you want ,madam?Blue is Ok.Do you have blue?What about this one ?Ok great How much is it?16 US$Here is 20$THIS IS 4 $ for you ,here you are .Thank you Thank you ,too 写得这么辛苦一定要谢谢我,我是初一的学生

英语 常用购物用语

2,网上购物 的英语短文 要求1网络购物节省了逛商场的时间2网

1.上网购物的好处,不足之处, 2.比较便宜 1 shopping online, deficiencies, 2 cheaper
i cant help you
As the ecnomy developing,we can buy everything at home owing to we depend of our computers. At last also is the most important that shopping online can save much time to make our life easier.
I like online shopping. Because the network shopping save the time of shopping,online goods affordable cheap, can provide us with more to choose.So we keep the house can also buy a lot of good things.

网上购物 的英语短文 要求1网络购物节省了逛商场的时间2网

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