
电子商务(Electronic Commerce),


2,电子商务英语介绍 电子商务英语简介

1、电子商务英语(BUSINESS ENGLISH )是以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面。 2、电子商务英语课程不只是简单地对学员的英文水平、能力的提高,它更多地是向学员传授一种西方的企业管理理念、工作心理,甚至是如何和外国人打交道,如何和他们合作、工作的方式方法,以及他们的生活习惯等,从某种程度上说是包含在文化概念里的。

电子商务英语介绍 电子商务英语简介


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E-commerce, Electronic Commerce, EC for short. E-commerce usually is refers to is in global around widely of commercial trade activities in the, in Internet open of network environment Xia, based on browser/server application way, buyers and sellers does not met to for various business activities, implementation consumer of online shopping, and merchant Zhijian of online transactions and online electronic paid and various business activities, and transactions activities, and financial activities and related of integrated service activities of a new of commercial operations mode. E-business covers a very wide range, generally can be divided into the business to business or business to consumer both. There are also consumer to the consumer the forward growth model. With the increase in number of Internet use in China, online shopping and payment by bank card using Internet consumption patterns have started to pop, also in fast-growing market share, endless stream of e-commerce website. E-commerce security with SSL and SET two of the most common species. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer Protocol) SET (fully electronic transaction protocol) definition of e-commerce: the first will be divided into General and special e-commerce e-commerce. General e-commerce is defined as, using a variety of electronic tools in the business or activities. These tools range from basic Telegraph, telephone, radio, TV, fax, computers, computer networks, and other modern systems. Business activity is commercial demand reasonable and legitimate activities to goods of consumption dropped after the typical production processes in all activities. Narrowly defined as e-commerce, mainly use the Internet to engage in business or activity. E-commerce is in a modern society where highly developed technical, economic, and access to information technology and business rules, and systematic use of electronic tools, high efficiency, low cost commodity exchange-centric activities collectively. This analysis highlights has e-commerce of premise, and Center, and focus, and purpose and standard, pointed out that it should reached of level and effect, it is on e-commerce more strictly and reflect times requirements of defines, it from system of views start, stressed people in system in the of Center status, will environment and people, and people and tools, and people and subject of labour organic to contact up, with system of target, and system of composition to defines e-commerce, so makes it has productivity of nature.仅供参考


电子商务Electronic Commerce注:electronic 英 [??lek?tr?n?k] 美 [??lek?trɑ:n?k] adj. 电子的; 电子操纵的; 用电子设备生产的; 用电子设备完成的; [例句]Introduction of electronic point-of-sale systems is improving efficiency.


电子商务源于英文ELECTRONIC COMMERCE,简写为EC。顾名思义,其内容包含两个方面,一是电子方式,二是商贸活动。 电子商务指的是利用简单、快捷、低成本的电子通讯方式,买卖双方不谋面地进行各种商贸活动。 电子商务可以通过多种电子通讯方式来完成。比如你通过打电话或发传真的方式来与客户进行商贸活动。现在人们所探讨的电子商务主要是以EDI(电子数据交换)和INTERNET来完成的。尤其是随着INTERNET技术的日益成熟,电子商务真正的发展将是建立在INTERNET技术上的。所以也开始有人把电子商务简称为IC(INTERNET COMMERCE)。 从贸易活动的角度分析,电子商务可以在多个环节实现,由此也可以将电子商务分为两个层次,较低层次的电子商务如电子商情、电子贸易、电子合同等;最完整的也是最高级的电子商务应该是利用INTENET网络能够进行全部的贸易活动,即在网上将信息流、商流、资金流和部分的物流完整地实现,也就是说,你可以从寻找客户开始,一直到洽谈、订货、在线付(收)款、开据电子发票以至到电子报关、电子纳税等通过INTERNET一气呵成。 要实现完整的电子商务还会涉及到很多方面,除了买家、卖家外,还要有银行或金融机构、政府机构、认证机构、配送中心等机构的加入才行。由于参与电子商务中的各方在物理上是互不谋面的,因此整个电子商务过程并不是物理世界商务活动的翻版,网上银行、在线电子支付等条件和数据加密、电子签名等技术在电子商务中发挥着重要的不可或缺的作用

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