

With our lives more and more technology-driven, information-based.Online shopping has also become a kind of fashion of people. But the drawback of online shopping is that we can only picture to understand the shape of goods, can not actually see the authenticity of the goods with good or bad! The relative physical store, we can understand the specific situation of the commodity. Relatively speaking, online shopping is relatively cheaper than in the store shopping! Each have shortcomings bar! 中文:随着我们生活越来越科技化,信息化。网上购物也成为人们一种时尚。但是网上购物的缺点就是我们只能通过图片来了解商品的外形,不能真正看到商品的真伪与好坏!而相对实体店我们可以了解商品的具体情况。相对来说网上购物比在实体店购物相对便宜!各有有缺点吧!


2,关于购物的英语作文 关于购物的英语作文及翻译

1、英文: On-line Shopping The quick and easy access to the Internet hasbrought much comfort and convenience to ourdaily life, and a growing number of people today prefer to do their purchase on line rather thanleave for the real shops. Despite its obvious advantages, online shopping can also be a recipe for “troubles”. In thefirst place, you can never have a real contact with the stuff you want to buy while shoppingonline as you do in a real shop. Thus, occasions are not rare when buy something that doesnot really fit you or suit you. Whats more, if you are not lucky enough, you are likely to betrusted into the hands of some dishonest sellers, bringing home fake goods. In my perspective, we should first develop a better sense of judgment while doing onlineshopping, and at the same time, more supervision systems are supposed to be built to ensurea more reliable and pleasant online shopping environment. 2、翻译: 网上购物 网络的快捷与方便给我们的生活带来了很多的舒适与方便,越来越多的人已经热衷于网购,而不是去实体店购买东西。 虽然网购有着非常明显的优点,但是它也可能带来很多的麻烦。首先,与在实体店购物不一样,你在网购的时候没有办法真正接触到你想买的东西,因此,你经常会发现网购回来的东西并不合适。而且,如果你不是很幸运的话,你有可能会被一些不守诚信的卖家所蒙骗而把假货买回了家。 我认为,在网购中我们首先需要培养自己更好的判断力,与此同时,应该要成立更多的监管系统来保证一个可靠而又愉悦的网购环境。

关于购物的英语作文 关于购物的英语作文及翻译

3,英语作文120字 网上购物与实体店购物的区别 以及 介绍网上购物的

提供范文① Shopping online vs. shopping in physical storesAs scientific technologies developed faster and faster, our common lives have changed more and more, one of which is our shopping way. We have been shopping in physical stores, where a salesman may introduce many products to you and give you some advice about which one is the best choice, and you can try those clothes or shoes in person, even change another one if you find it not suitable to yourself. However, a new shopping method sprang up --- shopping online. There appear quantities of various stores on the Internet. You just need to click your mouse, and then you can see different kinds of commodities in them, with colorful pictures and detailed descriptions. If you are not clear about something, you can ask the customer service staff for help, who usually very kind and glad to answer your any question. Moreover, you can compare the same kind of products in different stores at the same time, which is able to save your time and avoid embarrassment. But every coin has two sides. Shopping online is not exceptional, so there are some disadvantages. First, you can never be sure whether the product is exactly what you see in the picture or read in the descriptions. What you receive may be much different from what is in your mind, for instance, strange color, wrong size or bad quality. Secondly, the products may be lost in the express delivery. From my perspective, I prefer shopping online, because I am too busy to have time go shopping in physical stores and goods online are usually cheaper. But I always choose the shops which have good reputation.② My View on Shopping Online With the development of e-commerce, shopping online becomes a new way of shopping which is getting more and more popular. Many citizens are likely to shop through internet nowadays.随着电子商务的发展,网购成新的一种购物方式,而且也越来越流行,关于网购的看法My View on Shopping Online英语作文。现在许多的市民都倾向于网购。Generally speaking, shopping online offers lots of advantages with its convenience the most prominent. There are many commodities on the internet where you can search whatever you want. Besides, you just click the mouse can you get all information you want, so that you dont have to go to the shop personally. In addtition, the commodities on the Internet is usually cheaper than the stores which can save much money.一般来说,网购提供了很多的优势,其中方便是最突出的。网络上有很多的商品,在上面你可以搜索任何你想要的。除此之外,你只需点击一下鼠标就可以得到你想要的所有信息,这样你就不用亲自跑到商店去。再者,网上的商品通常都比商店里面的便宜,这样就可以省下一大笔钱。However, everything has two sides. You can not see the products or check their qualities and some of the sellers on the Internet is not so honest. And, for those who enjoys shopping around different stores, shopping online perhaps will make them bored.然而,任何事情都有两面性。你看不到商品也无法检查它们的质量,而且有一些网上的卖家是很不诚实的。对于那些喜欢在不同商店购物的人,网购可能会让他们感到无聊。In my opinion, shopping online has more advantages than disadvantages, and with the improvement of e-commerce, there will be more people to shop on the Internet. 我觉得网购的优点多于缺点,而且随着电子商务的进步将会有更多的人在网上购物。关于网上购物 My View on Shopping Online Whenit comes to online shopping, different people holds different ideas towards it.Some people seem extremely enjoy the way of buying things online because theyfeel online shopping is so convenient. Some just dont believe that they can buygood quality commodities from Internet. As far as Im concerned, I think onlineshopping creates lots of benefits to people.说到网上购物的时候,不同的人有不同的想法。有些人似乎非常喜欢网上购物这样的购物方式,因为他们觉得网上购物很方便。有的则不相信他们能从网上买到质量好的商品。就我而言,我觉得网上购物给人们带来了很多好处。Firstly,buying things online is a way of saving time. Compared with the traditional wayof shopping, we have no need to go out to pick up our favorite goods from storeto store. Just a click, we can have things in our shopping cart and just waitfor the goods to be delivered to us. To this extent, not only we can save thetime of finding things from store to store but we dont need to spend time ontransportation. Thus, we can save lots of time to enjoy fun. 首先,网上购物是节约时间的一种方法。与传统的购物方式相比,我们没有必要出去一家一家店地挑选我们喜欢的商品。只需一击,我们就可以在我们喜欢的商品就会在购物车中,之后就只是等着把货物邮递到我们手上。从某种程度上说,我们不仅可以节省在商店找东西的时间,我们也不需要在运输上花时间。因此,我们可以节省大量的时间,享受乐趣。Secondly,buying things online can save our money. People buy commodities by Internet notonly because it saves us time, but also, we can save lots of money. It is oftenseen that some people just go to the physical store to check out thecommodities they want to buy and then they would search for their favoritecommodities online and take the order. People do this just because they knowthat online goods are usually cheaper than the goods displayed in shop windowbecause online shop have no need to pay the rent. So, people are more inclinedto buying things from online store.其次,网上购物可以省钱。人们通过互联网购买商品不仅是因为它可以节省时间,而且因为可以为我们节省很多钱。我们经常看到有些人只是去实体店看看他们想买的商品,然后在网上搜索并下订单。人们这样做是因为他们知道网上的商品通常比在商店橱窗中展出的产品更便宜,因为网上开店不需要付房租。所以,人们更倾向于从网上商店买东西。Thirdly,convenience is the last but not least thing of shopping online. Since we canbuy things online, there is no need to go out to look for things we want tobuy. What we need to do is to simply sit before our computer, search for thingswe want to buy, click our favorite thing and then pay our order by our bankcard. And then, you just need to wait for your goods to be delivered to yourhome.第三,最后但并非最不重要的是网上购物很方便,英语作文《关于网购的看法My View on Shopping Online英语作文》(http://www.unjs.com)。既然我们可以在网上买东西,那就没有必要出去寻找我们想买的东西了。我们需要做的是坐在我们的电脑前,搜索我们想买的东西,点击我们最喜欢的东西事,然后用银行卡付钱。之后你只需要等待您的货物送到你家。Inconclusion, shopping online is a convenient, time-saving and money saving wayof buying things. Therefore, we can benefit a lot from shopping online. Thatsthe reason of why shopping online has developed faster and faster in recentyears. 总之,网上购物方便,省时和省钱。因此,我们可以从网上购物获益很多。这就是为什么在近些年网上购物发展得越来越快的原因。内容比较多,但是一些句子是可以参考的,希望能对你有所帮助,谢谢~

英语作文120字 网上购物与实体店购物的区别 以及 介绍网上购物的

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